Well, it is never easy living in a foreign land, but, as for myself, being so chock full 'o nuts, I really think that I fit in just great with Tokyo's non-stop, work around the clock, and drink until you drop lifestyle! Perhaps that is why I have enjoyed living here so many years. And there have been many times, when I KNOW that I have finally seen it all and that there is nothing left, the party is over so its time to start packing the bags again.
However, today I just had another mind-melting WTF moment that I still cannot fully explain, but I'll try my best.
Basically, within the past year or so, there has been this popular "Banana Diet Craze" going on here in Japan which started around sometime back in the fall of 2007. And, like other previous food fads, it was expected to soon fade out as usual. But according to Japan Probe its seems as though that this latest craze has no end in sight as it is all becoming even more aped out crazy by getting super hyped up with the help of several Dole banana Japanese TV commercials like this one:
And, after I watched the above, I just laughed and shook my head, totally dazed. Then, for some inexplicable reason, I suddenly thought of the hit song Welcome To the Jungle by Guns N' Roses:
Well, perhaps, I need to take some time off and get away for a while. So maybe I will to go to Waikiki (aka "Shibuya on The Beach") during the upcoming Golden Week holiday and climb a coconut palm tree! Welcome to the jungle, indeed!
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