Tuesday, May 31, 2011

may theme: I Can't Resist!

I finished both my Sketchbook page and my journal quilt just in time.

You Can't Resist was a great theme for me: I am organizing a Soy Wax class with Melanie Testa and guess what? The title Melanie had chosen for the class is ... YES: You Can't Resist!

I had a package of the appropriate quality of soy wax at home in order to test it. Last week I spent two afternoons in my studio, happily creating with soy wax and thickened dyes. The blog post is not ready yet, but in the next couple of days I am going to upload photos on my personal blog.

Marlis Egger | Journal Quilt - 8" x 8" | soy wax resist | fiber reactive dyes
(I'm still exploring the potential of my favorite letter, the B...)

You Can't Resist! (whole spread opened up) - candle resist


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