Monday, May 30, 2011

Quilt Inspiration Classics: Memorial Day

~ We interrupt our exotic flower quilts series to honor our fallen heroes. ~
Throughout its history, the United States has remembered its military heroes in many ways, with plaques, parades, statues and memorials. The Home of the Brave Quilt Project was started to continue that proud tradition.

Home of the Brave Quilt, by Jean Loken

"We are a nationwide movement dedicated to honoring the fallen heroes of the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq by making and presenting homemade quilts to their families. We want to show our gratitude for their service and provide a measure of comfort to their families with our quilts."

The quilt is modeled on a Civil War Sanitary Commission Quilt, one of the five remaining quilts of its kind still in existence, which is now held by the Lincoln Memorial Shrine at the A. K. Smiley Library in Redlands, California. 

Above, we're showing three beautiful quilts made by Jean Loken, who is the Coordinator of the Minnesota Chapter of the Home of the Brave.  For information on the heroes who received the quilts, visit the Minnesota Fallen Heroes web pages.  To contribute to the project with a donation of money, material or time, visit the national project's home page.

And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave... while the land of the free is the home of the brave. ~ The Star-Spangled Banner, 5th stanza, by Oliver Wendell Holmes

Credits and links:  The images are shown with the generous permission of Jean Loken. This post first appeared on May 29, 2010.


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