Since my last post I have found myself in a very introverted mood. I know why, and won't bore you with the details, but suffice to say that the pojagi work, light and airy in nature, and something that requires me to take lots of back and forth trips from sewing machine to iron to cutting table, just wasn't lining up to how quiet, still and inward I have been feeling.
And so I put the pojagi aside and began to work on some very small pieces that allowed me to just naturally go inward.
Something about just being able to sit at the machine, and 'paint' with little bits of fabric feels more in sync with my current state of being.
So for now, this is where I am. Not sure how long this will last, and am well aware at how swiftly my work can change direction depending upon my moods. Having this blog and sharing what I do makes me at times a bit self conscious about my how fickle I can seem about my work. My hat is off to people who can keep their focus on one area for long periods of time. Despite my best intentions, I obviously am not one of them!
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