Here is the current Japan CNN TV Tsunami Warning:
NHK TV in Japan is now in multilingual emergency broadcast mode repeating updated information and warnings for everyone to evacuate the coastlines.
Japan sees first tsunami waves from Chile quake
February 28, 2010
(CNN) -- Tsunamis from the deadly 8.8-magnitude earthquake in Chile rippled across the Japanese coast Sunday, appearing to get taller with every wave.
The first one, a 4-inch wave, hit Minami Torishima, according to the Japanese meteorological agency. Minami Torishima is a small island in the Pacific Ocean.
A few more waves later, the tallest one yet at about 4 feet hit the Kuji Port in Hokkaido, the meteorological agency said.
Tens of thousands of residents evacuated Sunday morning from coastal Japan in anticipation of a possible tsunami after the earthquake. Authorities urged evacuees to stay away because a second and third round of waves could gain strength.
The northern part of the main island could be hit by a tsunami at least 9 feet high, according to the meteorological agency.
Sunday's alert was Japan's first major tsunami warning in more than 15 years, the agency reported. In 1960, a tsunami spawned by Chile's 1960 earthquake killed 140 people in Japan.
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