Saturday, June 4, 2011

whatever works . . .

These are all photos of food or drink . . .

Taken with my phone . . .

And then texted to my daughter . . .

No matter how small . . .

Or time of day . . .

If I put it in my mouth (and subsequently swallow it) . . .

I send a picture of it to Joc.

Pretty odd, huh? Well, I can't knock it! She suggested instead of writing down everything I eat, to take a PICTURE of everything I eat instead. I suggested that I needed a lot of accountability and encouragement, and asked if she were up to it. She said as long as I sent her *everything* she would be there for me, so I did. Don't knock it, though . . . I've lost 10.8 pounds this first week! Isn't technology fun? And fyi...the pink glass with the 8 oz. marked on it is my water glass. Yes, I even send her a photo every time I get a new glass of water. Haha--good thing we have an unlimited text plan!

On a much more primitive level, here's a couple of fun things we've pulled out of the creek recently:

This old snapping turtle did NOT want to let go of the cage. Mind you, he wasn't stuck, he was hanging on! He was trying dearly to get to the minnows and crawdads that were on the inside! Do you see his tail? It's wicked long.

And speaking of crawdads, this is about the biggest I'll fool with 'em. Any bigger than that and Todd can deal with 'em! I can't wait until Sawyer is big enough to go down to the creek and do a little crawdad catching!



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