Not trying be a scaremonger, but more and more experts are saying that the Fukushima catastrophe is now a full-blown meltdown:
When the Fukushima Meltdown Hits Groundwater
By Dr. Tom Burnett
March 27, 2011
Via Hawaii News Daily
"Fukushima is going to dwarf Chenobyl. The Japanese government has had a level 7 nuclear disaster going for almost a week but won’t admit it."
"At Fukushima, the reactor cores are still melting down. The ONLY way to stop that is to detonate a ~10 kiloton fission device inside each reactor containment vessel and hope to vaporize the cores. That’s probably a bad solution."
"A nuclear meltdown is a self-sustaining reaction. Nothing can stop it except stopping the reaction. And that would require a nuclear weapon. In fact, it would require one in each containment vessel to merely stop what is going on now. But it will be messy."
See also:
Japan Prediction: Nuclear Holocaust, Tokyo Evacuated
Prophecy of Japan Nuclear Holocaust
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